Musiom, Rob Zweerman, Beelden, Amersfoort, Expositie

Amersfoort Concreet Musiom 2024

19 April 2024

Starting fridag May 10th. until Sunday August 18th. I will participate in the exhibition ‘Amersfoort Concreet’ in the Musiom in Amersfoort. Curated by colleague Roland de Jong, 28 artists will present 3D and 2D artworks in the tradition of the ‘concrete kunst’ (could be translated as abstract geometric art)

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Rob Zweerman, Beelden, Galerie A- Kwadraat, expositie

Spring exhibition Gallery A-Quadraat 2024

15 April 2024

Starting Sunday April 28th. until Sunday June 23rd. I will exhibit sculptures with Gallery ‘A-Quadraat’ in Vorden. I will showcase several sculptures in steel, stone and wood on this beautiful location in the rural area of Vorden. 

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Rob Zweerman, Sculpture, Biennale Eindhoven, Domusdela

Biënnale Eindhoven 2024

24 February 2024

Van vrijdag 15 tot en met zondag 24 maart  vindt de Biënnale Eindhoven 2024 plaats in de Domusdela in Eindhoven!
Met trots presenteer ik diverse nieuwe sculpturen op deze geweldige belevingsexpositie. Ruim 30 internationale kunstenaars tonen… (lees meer)

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Rob Zweerman, LOOOP 3, Sculpture, Biennale Brabant, marmer

Biënnale Brabant 2023

13 November 2023

Starting wednesday november 16th untilsunday 26 of november: The Biënnale Brabant 2021 in the ‘Koepelhal in Tilburg’.
I am happy to present new sculptures during this wonderfulp event. Over 40 international artists show… (read more)

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Art, Rob Zweerman, Tilburg, Biënnale, VanLoonGallery, Exhibition

Biënnale Brabant 2021

16 November 2021

From Wednesday November 10th until Sunday November 28th  the ‘Biënnale Brabant 2021’ takes place in the ‘Koepelhall’ in Tilburg.
I am proud to share that I will present 9 new sculptures in this wonderfulp exhibition…. (read more)

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Art, Rob Zweerman, Palma, Mallorca, RED Gallery, Exhibition

Nit de l’Art Mallorca

14 September 2021

Van donderdag 16 tot en met zaterdag 18 september vindt de Nit de L’ Art 2021 plaats in Palma, de hoofdstad van het Spaanse eiland Mallorca.
Met trots kan ik melden dat ik een samenwerking aan het ontwikkelen ben met deze prachtige Galerie op het mooie eiland Mallorca. 

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Rob Zweerman, Rozendaal, Art Gallery, 2020, Christmas

Holidays Exhibition

25 November 2020

Starting November 22nd  2020 until the end of January 2021 my work is shown at Art Gallery Rozendaal in the beautiful village of Montfort in Limburg. On this great location Ton Croonen and Matheo Alberti invite you to vist my work and that of 6 other artists during the Winter Holidays until the end of January. Read more…

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Rob Zweerman, Goeijenbier media, Beelden, Kunst


13 May 2020

On Tuesday May 5th. I spent the hole day shooting video footage with Ruud Goeijenbier.  Ruud has a great talent for video and he helps me to show my work in a new and exiting way.

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Rob Zweerman, Art_Karlsruhe, sculpture, 2020, Stone

Art-Karlsruhe 2020

12 February 2020

Several Abstract Geometric sculptures by Rob Zweerman on show at Art-Karelsruhe in Germany. Over 40.00 visitors are expected in the course of…

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